As soon as Sunday morning is over, it's on to the next week. I use to review the readings for the next Sunday and to try to get the brain and heart cells working on the coming week's service.
Luke 5: 1-11 - In this reading, Jesus commandeers a boat and preaches out of it. It must have been pretty calm because if I were to preach sitting in a boat I'm pretty sure I'd get seasick. When Jesus is done preaching, he tells Simon to put the boat into deep water. At first, Simon balks and tells Jesus that they've already done this and no fish! Simon acquiesces and voila, so many fish that the net almost breaks.
Simon realizes he's in the presence of the holy, and like Adam and Eve caught naked in the garden, confesses to Jesus that he is a sinful man. Excuses, excuses...
This confession of sin doesn't stop Jesus from welcoming Simon as a disciple, along with all his brother fishers. From now on, they will fish for people.
They left everything and followed him. What a story!
Last week, Jeremiah was called to be a prophet. I wonder what I am called to do in my own ministry. What is the call that continues to call? We are never called just once and that's it lickety-split. I'm always asking myself this question. Each day, every moment, we are making decisions.
This is what epiphany is about -- a showing, a revelation of ministry on earth, in the realm of time and space.
At the beginning of each week, I begin the task of getting a glimpse, an inspiration about what God is calling me to do this week. Ministry is definitely an art of looking and seeing and creating an open space for people to be together. This is what makes it exciting.