Tuesday, March 2, 2010

After Sunday Service Blues

It's amazing how congregational members need to discuss church business with the minister after church.  I've asked Council members not to do this. I have asked people to refrain from this on a one-to-one basis.  I've written about it in the newsletter, and STILL it happens.

This is the issue.  I've just spent an intense hour plus leading worship.  Praying and preaching to God are a totally spiritual exercise.  Not only is it physical work, it's mental and spiritual.  Most worship leaders, immediately following Sunday morning, head to a couch somewhere for a well-deserved nap. This is one of the things that lay worship leaders always tell me: "I was so exhausted after leading worship!"

So, when congregation members want to discuss church business with me, it is not the best time.  My faculties are dull and my memory is non-existent.  I love to greet people and talk about pastoral issues or family issues or just about the gold medal hockey game, but not church business.

Sunday is a time of worship and even though I work on Sundays I always feel that Sundays are a day off from the worries and anxieties of life, that Sunday should be a day of celebration and thankfulness.

So as I was heading home from worship, I was definitely singing the after Sunday service blues.  I wish people would take a sabbath from church business and use other ways of connecting with me if there is work to be done.  I'll have to keep getting this message across somehow.

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