Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reflections on last Sunday

The shape of last Sunday was typical but also intense.  I arrive at the church at about 8:50 a.m. and go to get settled in my office because I want to attend the bible study that starts at 9 a.m.  I get waylaid by a couple of people who have questions and concerns and as I walk into the sanctuary someone from the bible study comes looking for me.  It turns out that the normal leaders aren't there so I'm supposed to lead the discussion. I might have been asked to do this but I don't really remember being asked to do this so I'm a bit surprised.  I get up to the bible study and voila, I'm leading it. 

I usually prepare these kinds of things but the study is pretty informal and so soon we're talking about the reading from John, the one about doubting Thomas. 

When 10 o'clock rolls around, I leave to get ready for leading the service at 10:30 a.m.  I'm not sure if the choir is going to be up in the loft, and thus whether they'll be waiting for me in the downstairs rehearsal space, or whether they'll all be in the congregation.  So, I find out they will be in the downstairs hall and so I go there to get ready and say a prayer with them.

The service goes okay.  It's one of those Sundays when I don't get one comment about my sermon.  That's always a sign to me that something didn't quite go right.  Oh well, can't hit a home run every Sunday!

Then it's off to greet at the door.  This is an important time because this is when I meet new people.  There are a few this week but not as many as on Easter Sunday.

I walk out of the sanctuary and towards the reception hall.  I take off my stole and put it in my office.  Then I go to have some coffee and chat and catch up on what's happening in people's lives.

As soon as the after-church crowd has thinned out a bit, a group from the church who travelled to Nicaragua on a work project start setting up lunch.  Four women and myself gather to reflect on their travels and to talk about a possible presentation.  It was amazing to hear their experiences and to see the growth in their faith life.  We plan on a Sunday morning worship component with an after church presentation.  I leave the church about 2 p.m., driving one of the women home.

I get to relax for a couple of hours before I'm off to another meeting at a local restaurant.  That meeting is set for 6 p.m.  It's a Discernment Committee for an Inquirer thinking about becoming a UC minister.  It's a gathering to celebrate the signing of the "interim" report.  It's finished about 8 p.m. 

One of the arts of ministry is to be able to served in short, intense bursts of activity.  From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. I didn't have one break.  This is why ministers have to take care of themselves so well.  I don't think it's the quantity of hours so much as the energy which is needed to constantly switch gears -- from laughter to tears to ideas to contemplation.  I have to say that I'm glad that not every day is like Sunday.  I enjoy it immensely but it is wearing.  This week is a "reading" week for me, a time of non-church activities so that I have time to reflect and get recharged again.  I'm feeling that I really need it this week.  It's good to be able to get away and have time to see the bigger picture.

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